Thursday, January 5, 2023

Lord of the rings fellowship of the ring pc game download

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Lord of the rings fellowship of the ring pc game download.The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring 


The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring - Old Games Download.


Most adaptations of the Fellowship of the Ring leave out a few pieces of the story, or switch things around in the name of creative license. It happened in the original animated films made by Rankin Bass and Ralph Bakshi, as well as the new film directed by Peter Jackson. In their effort to make a fully detailed experience, the developers of Fellowship have aspired to include each and every part of the book in their game experience.

The story unfolds just like the book, and you'll even find scenes with Old Man Willow that have as of yet failed to appear in any films. Visually and aurally, Fellowship is a good, if uninspired experience. The poorer qualities of the game are revealed in the detailing of the Hobbiton and its inhabitants, which is essentially the visual equivalent of War and Peace; long and boring. Control wise, this game takes a long while to get used to, and even when you're adjusted, it doesn't perform very well.

Even still, with all of the detail that the designers put into the game story wise , you'll still fight both the Nazgul and the Balrog and in a completely un-book like manner.

Once I was finished playing Fellowship, I was happy to be done with it. It's got respect for the series that created it, but between the issues that I mentioned earlier, and a horrendous load time issue, it's definitely not what I'd call a good game. Tolkien's novel. The first two things I noticed were the spongy controls and how large the world is. This is one of those games where you'll get a blister on your thumb from button mashing to make your character move due to the momentum you have to build to get going.

At times when I pushed in a particular direction, the character wouldn't seem to respond and kept moving the original direction. This was most noticeable when up against any sort of wall. Fortunately the control not being the best isn't as major an issue as it could've been. When walking around Middle-Earth you're primarily in exploration mode where it seems nothing can really hurt you. Go ahead and call yourself Magellan or Columbus because exploring is no small task ' Middle-earth is huge!

While broken up into many different sections, each section itself is fairly large and can take a while to fully explore. Although you can't be hurt in exploration mode, when you come up against an enemy the game will switch to turn-based combat. Enemies always seem to get first attack but hopefully you've equipped yourself properly before the battle begins. Once in combat you cannot equip, so be prepared. The interface is simple enough for anyone that's ever played an RPG before and not terribly daunting for novices.

For that matter, all of the interfaces such as inventory or switching characters are reasonably simple once you get used to them. That's right, you also get to switch characters in game whenever you like after they've joined your fellowship. Each character can use certain items, weapons, or spells.

The graphics are superb but because of the small and dark GBA screen, it is sometimes hard to make out what certain items are until you become familiar them. For instance, at the beginning of the game I frequently mistook lamps for people. The music is very nice also but it doesn't play all the time. With over 20 hours of gameplay, numerous items to obtain, puzzles to solve, and enemies to battle, this is a game that I think would satisfy the portable RPG needs of any gamer out there despite it's squirrelly control.

The Lord of the Rings: arguably the greatest fantasy epic of modern times. Tolkien's novels have inspired generations of fantasy readers and enthusiasts combined. The recent success of blockbuster movies based on the series, combined with a monstrous advertising and marketing strategy, have made Gandalf, Aragorn, and Frodo Baggins almost household names.

But even with all the hype and popular sentiment in its favor, not to mention the fact that this title is the only Tolkien approved title on the market, the PC version of the console game, like its predecessor, fails to be even mildly entertaining. In the game's favor, FOTR the game adheres much more to the original book than do the recent films, with several neglected characters making an appearance in the game. Graphics are excellent, with well-textured maps, character skins, and overall aesthetics.

Audio is a mixed bag, since some voice acting is better than others. I liked the Gandalf character, and a few others, but the hobbits were just plain annoying. I also like my Glamdring trading card every box has a different card inside. However, aside from cosmetics, the game brings little to the genre, either in gameplay or even imagination. Game play is, as expected, extremely linear, with almost no meaningful dialogue outside of the original script.

There is very little interaction with the world, in that only items that flash or glow can be manipulated. While easy to maneuver and easier still in combat, action sequences seem to be few and far between, at least early on.

Only three characters are controlled directly by the player: Aragorn, Frodo, and Gandalf. However, even with the obvious differences in the abilities of these characters, differences in strategy while playing each character is negligible.

What it comes down to is a game devoid of the spirit that fueled the novels, with little to no replay value. I could go on for hours on how disappointed I am in this title. Fans of the books will probably feel the same. If you're a complete Tolkienophile, or your only exposure to Lord of the Rings is through the films and console-style gaming, you might be the narrow niche that will actually enjoy this title.

For the rest of you, caveat emptor. Just because a good movie is made from an epic story, does not necessarily mean it should be made into a game. Case in point, The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring sets out to be an ambitious romp through the Tolkien world where good battles evil.

Taking base elements light on the base , players assume the roles of Frodo the Hobbit, Gandolf the Wizard and Aragorn, the would-be king in what is essentially an adventure game. Disturbingly, the game misfires on many cylinders. Initially you wouldn't think is a problem, but think of it this way' Frodo enters a house 5 second load time , opens a chest and retrieves an item and exits the house 5 second load time , goes next door and enters that house 5 second load time hands item to fellow hobbit and leaves house 5 second load time.

See what I mean? It really is way too much, and don't even get me started on when you leave a major area where load times can top seconds. God forbid you have to turn right back around. Considering the Xbox has a hard drive one would hope game makers would utilize this piece of hardware and have major game sections loaded on to it. Next, the game has really unfriendly controls and even after playing a couple of hours I just couldn't get into a comfortable groove.

Both analog sticks are used, one to control the character, the other to control the chase camera. The chase camera seems to be inverted and is way too squirrelly for it to be really effective. I have played some oddly controlled games in my time, and this one ranks near the top of the list. Finally, I think it appropriate to mention that the game starts out too simplistically, and by simplistic I mean C follows B follows A simple.

Mini quests are completed in mere moments while your quest log is constantly updated with new and dull tasks. As the game goes on, things do start to pick up, but the real challenge is fighting your way through the mediocre parts just to see some of the better things the game has to offer, like the monsters that start to appear, and the cool light sourcing. A hat tip to the voice actors in the game'they did a good job putting in accents and other Tolkien-esque style. This game is really borderline between fans only and not recommended.

I debated which side of the fence fall on, but had to go with the not based on the silly controls and the eventually unbearable load times.

Rent it if you don't believe me, but don't buy unless you collect The Lord of the Rings memorabilia. Browse games Game Portals. Install Game. The game doesn't work on Windows 7. The demo allows you to play the initial levels of the game. Antony Peel. Software languages. Author Vivendi.

Updated Over a year ago. Last revision More than a year ago. If you know otherwise, write to us. Developer WXP, Inc. Publisher Black Label Games. Year Tags abandonware , old , game , lord , rings , fellowship , action , adventure , rpg , puzzle.

Genre action rpg. Platform PC. Comments There are no comments. Similar games Users also downloaded the following old games. Battlefield Electronic Arts.


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